Who can race?
UCI or Manitoba licenced racers can race in categorized races.
There will be 2 kids races. One for the U13 kids with a bit more experience (such as Kids of Mud kids) and a second race for the younger kids with less racing experience. Kids WILL NEED A LICENCE TO RACE.
Note – there is NO OPEN adult race
How do I register for this?
Registration is through Zone4. Online Registration Closes Friday Oct. 20th @ 11:59 pm. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST SECOND 😉
Reach out if you have issues registering (Marty – 204-751-0364)
There will be NO in person race day registration.
How much is it?
$45 licensed racers.
U 17 Kids racing in the adult races pay $35.
All Kids racing in the kids race are free.*
Racers are required to have a valid MCA race license for 2023 or purchase a $20 day race insurance fee. This must be done online when registering. The Day Permit is NOT insurance
(*) Youth racers (Ages 10 and under) who do not have a licence or membership may participate with a one-day event permit for $5. If you have a KOM (race or general membership or youth licence, a day permit is not required). All racers are required to register through Zone 4. There will be no walk-ups or in person registration.
Please note that the fees include an MCA Cyclocross Committee levy, a Manitoba Cup levy, and a rental charge for the timing system.
NEW** - If timing chips are not returned at the end of the race, the racer will be charged $75.00 timing chip replacement fee.
ALL Riders MUST sign in before their race or they will be considered a “Did Not Start” – no refund will be given. Sign in closes 30mins prior to your event. Please arrive in plenty of time to register your event, especially if you need a new number, and this is a new venue to navigate to.
• 9:30 – Registration opens. All riders MUST sign in before their race or they will be
considered a “Did Not Start”. Sign in closes 30 minutes prior to your event, please
arrive in plenty of time to register for your event, especially if you need a new number!!!
• 10:00 – Course opens for pre-riding for kids
• 10:30 – Kids Event: U11 kids and younger, U13 kids with less racing experience;
male and female. (Kids will be broken into two groups based on age)
• 11:30 – Course opens for pre-riding
• 12:00 – B Event (call ups at 11:50)
• 12:50 – Course opens for pre-riding
• 1:00 – Prizing for B Event
• 1:20 – A Event (call ups at 1:10)
• 2:30 – Course open for pre-riding
• 2:40 – Prizing for A Event
• 3:00 – C Event (All Men/Women & all U13 – U17 Juniors) (call ups at 2:50)
• 3:45 – Prizing for C Event
Riders will assemble 10 minutes before the scheduled race start and will be seeded according to the race officials. They are all knowing, so don’t mess with them.
Regular Cyclocross rules will be enforced. For example, all racers in the ‘A’ and ‘B’ events (Cat 1/2/3 women and men) require a Cyclocross style bike. This means:
Maximum width of tires = 33 mm
Road style handlebars (NO straight bars)
Maximum width of handlebars = 50 cm
Citizen and C racers will be allowed to race on a mountain bike if you don’t have a cross bike.
A safe bicycle in good working order is required. The Commissaires can exclude bikes that are deemed unsafe. A proper cycling helmet must be worn...NO EXCEPTIONS.
All racers must operate a bicycle with both front and rear working brakes.
Riders shall act and race with caution and respect for their fellow racers. They shall be held responsible for any accidents that they cause.
It is a racer’s responsibility to know the race course and the number of required laps before the race starts. Marshalls are not obligated to give out directions to confused riders.
If a rider exits the course for any reason, he/she must return to the course at exactly the same point from which they exited (i.e. do not cross over tape to re-enter the course).
Sleeveless jerseys are NOT allowed.
Handlebars must have end caps. Kickstands should be removed. Water bottle holders must be secured in appropriate locations on the bicycle frame or seat post.
Before the race, know exactly where the finish line is situated. Your finish time is recorded on the finish line. Do not stop your race until you cross the finish line. Once finished, exit the area immediately.
The finish line is for finishers. Never cross the finish line twice.
If you leave the race for any reason, you MUST alert one of the Commissaires as soon as you are able. It is not fun to look for a "lost" rider who has left the race course unannounced.
For the top 3 of each race (men and women will be prized separately) prizes will be handed out while you are surrounded by your adoring fans. We will also have some sweet prizes from our amazing sponsors!
We’re bringing a little bit of mountains to Manitoba again this year! TransRockies Gravel Royale has donated 1 event entry for the 2024 stage race on Aug 23-26th from Panorama to Fernie BC. Prize winner will be announced during the C awards. Must be a registered racer and present to win. More information to follow.
There will be food! Registered athletes will receive food as part of your reward for racing!
Spectators can also purchase food – bring cash 😊
Race is being held on private property. Please respect the area with respect. The washrooms are for use of the toilet and washing your hands, not for cleaning dirty equipment or clothing. Leaving a mess will jeopardize our future use of this great facility.
There is no liquor, or non-prescription drugs permitted at the event. As such, please don’t bring, consume, or supply alcohol to others.
If the race is cancelled for any reason, refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis, less an administrative fee as costs to host this event are set if the race proceeds or not.
Event (“race”) Organizer: Marty Gaudet - 204-751-0364


Where is it?
Valley View Bible Camp
located 5 miles south of MacGregor, Manitoba on Road 59W (Rosehill Road) and 1 mile west on Rd 60N.
Physical address: 60070 Rd 60 North, MacGregor, MB.
Signs are posted eastbound and westbound on Trans-Canada Highway #1